Smart Robot Car Chassis RT4 Kit

RT4 Smart RobotRT4 Smart Car Chassis Robot Tracking Coded Disc Obstacle Avoidance

Product Description:
Car reserved UNO, MEGA2560,51 MCU control panel, OUR drive module, tracing module, obstacle avoidance sensor photoelectric switch holes, easy to assemble and expand

Seven characteristics:
1. Full Taobao lowest acrylic car, cost-effective
2. Simple assembly, 5 minutes to complete the assembly.
3. Powerful scalability, complete a variety of functions of the smart car
4. 130 strong strong magnetic torque DC geared motor, not the motor acts as a toy, two to three times the normal torque motor provides 1:48 and 1:120 ratio selectable speed than the speed the greater the load, the stronger
5. code disc from the original 10 cells, 20 cells upgraded to make double precision and strength
6. car information rich, providing a variety of test code
7. Quality send two 5 battery box, not the poor quality of the battery box to send tasteless

Shipping list:
2 Car Chassis (acrylic material)
2 Deceleration Biaxial DC Motor
2 Wheels
2 Omnidirectional Wheel
2 Velocimetry code disc
4 Fasteners
1 AA Battery case
Several pillars screws and nuts