CRIUS Bluetooth

CRIUS Bluetooth a CRIUS Bluetooth b

MWC Multiwii SE Flight Control Bluetooth Parameter Debug Module Adapter

For Multiwii FC Configuration use with Android MultiWiiConfiguration
UART TTL socket
Cable default can direct docking with CRIUS MWC SE V0.2 V1.0 V2.0 and Lite V0.2

MultiWiiConfiguration function:
Read and Write PID
Setting switch for AUX1 and AUX2
Monitor receiver signal and FC output signal
Monitor All sensors and GPS signal
Cablibration Magnetometer and Accelerometer
Save and read profile

Default parameter:
Baudrate : 115200
Module name : CRIUS_BT
Pair code : 0000

Dimension: 15mmX37.5mm
Height: 5mm
Weight:2.2g/3.9g(include cable)
Hole diameter: 3mm

1 Bluetooth module
1 UART 4Pin cable 200mm

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